House to Home Inspection Blogs

Anit-Scald Valves

Thermostatic mixing valve, Anti-scald valves, also known as tempering valves. Also known as “whats that thing under my sink”. It is there to help protect you from burning yourself. As a Calgary Home Inspector I think its best not to burn yourself…

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Sage Hill, Calgary Home Inspection

Inspected this really nice attached home in Sage Hill, Calgary, Alberta.   Being a Calgary home inspector, it's kinda nice when you inspect a home and they have pets there.... Just make sure to let us know before hand so we don't leave any doors open. 

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Home Inspection Find

On a recent home inspection there was a tree that was too close to the home.   Not only was it too close to the home, it was touching a chimney.   It's very important to maintain seperation from your chimney to any combustible materials.   You also don't want your vegetation to be touching your soffits.   As a home inspector I recommend they trim there tree. 

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