House to Home Inspection Blogs

Sage Hill, Calgary Home Inspection

Inspected this really nice attached home in Sage Hill, Calgary, Alberta.   Being a Calgary home inspector, it's kinda nice when you inspect a home and they have pets there.... Just make sure to let us know before hand so we don't leave any doors open. 

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Home Inspection Find

On a recent home inspection there was a tree that was too close to the home.   Not only was it too close to the home, it was touching a chimney.   It's very important to maintain seperation from your chimney to any combustible materials.   You also don't want your vegetation to be touching your soffits.   As a home inspector I recommend they trim there tree. 

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Home Inspection, Deer Run, Calgary

It was great to do another home inspection with some is the best clients.   The home inspection was in Deer Run, Calgary.   We were able to find some interesting things on this inspection, and as always, everything we found was thoroughly detailed and easy to understand on the home inspection report. 

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Carstairs, Alberta Home Inspection

As a home inspector I don't mind a little drive out of town, especially when it's for some of the best clients.   Even though this home inspection was on a new construction home, our thorough, detailed inspection report still includes a fair amount of issues that would otherwise go undetected.  This was a beautiful house, but it wouldn't have taken the best home inspector to find some of the obvious issues.   However, your average homeowner wouldn't of caught some of them.   


This week we have done home inspections in Calgary, Carstairs and Crossfield.....just need to do some home inspections in Chestermere, Canmore, Camrose, Caroline  Carseland, Coaldale, and Cremona and we will have covered all the C's!  (except for a bunch of other places that start with C..... There's a lot) 

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Ryan Davidson Ryan Davidson

Airdrie Home Inspection

Recently did a home inspection on this detached home in Airdrie, Alberta.   The home inspection went smoothly.   As a home inspector, I find it is always best when the clients attend the home inspection.   That way it is easier to explain any deficiency that is found.   It also allows me to go over all systems in the home to go over any maintenance items and to explain how they operate.   However, if you are unable to attend, you will still have a great understanding because you will recieve a very detailed, thorough, home inspection report. 

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